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  • Milled Tooth Dreadnoughts
Milled Tooth Dreadnoughts

Hand milled tooth dreadnought files which are made from alloy steel and have teeth which are undercut resulting in faster cutting with less effort. They may be used on all materials from aluminium to the hardest steel without clogging. The undercut and generous radius at the root of the teeth enables the file to clear itself whilst in use. Dreadnought files feature a curved tooth across the blade.
Available in 8", 10" and 12" lengths.

Prod. code Cat. code Description Price QTY.  
780-9008 780-9008 Milled Tooth Dreadnought Hand 8"
Price Exc VAT (Inc VAT)
780-9010 780-9010 Milled Tooth Dreadnought Hand 10"
Price Exc VAT (Inc VAT)
780-9012 780-9012 Milled Tooth Dreadnought Hand 12"
Price Exc VAT (Inc VAT)